Thursday, February 16, 2012

Follow Friday

Q: I like unique names for characters and am looking forward to coming up with some when I start writing. What's the most unique character name you've come across? 

The most unique names that I have come across is Peeta, Katniss, and the characters in Divergent. I can't remember the names, but they were different. I don't read to many books where people have really weird names.


  1. Katniss, I've heard this a lot tonight, what a weird name. I'm going to have to read these books. Anyway, new follower, here's my #ff so you can follow back

  2. Peeta and Katniss are very unique. I didn't even think about THG when I wrote my #FF because so many authors are using creative names these days.

    Here's our FF

    Have a great weekend!

    Jamie @Addicted2Heroines

  3. I agree, I also mentioned Katniss! New follower:)

    Here is mine:

  4. HI there, newest follower, just stopping by to say and happy reading this weekend!

  5. Yeah, Katniss is a strange name, but she was named after a plant :) Thanks for stopping by! New follower! Happy reading!

  6. LOTR Series has a lot of weird names!
    New GFC!

    Here's a link to my latest 'Requested Review' Would love to know what you think about it:
