Title: Born A Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Author: Trevor Noah
Publisher: Doubleday Canada
Publish date: Nov. 15, 2016
My Review:
This book was so good. I've never read anything like it. I has no clue who Trevor Noah was even after he got on The Daily Show because that's not something I have ever thought about watching. This book is a memoir of his childhood in South Africa and since I've never been, I feel like I was there through his stories. Some of Trevor's stories almost read like fiction because they are so unbelievable like "What?!" For the most part I could relate to him about a lot of things for example when he got a relaxer when he was getting ready to go to a dance. He knows beauty is pain. Not many men understand the pains women go through to look good. I've never felt so many emotions reading a nonfiction book. More often than not I was laughing throughout the book because he is a comedian. He really is funny. He has a gift in seeing the humor in everything because his mother taught him that. I was literally laughing out loud and I got shushed many of times. I learned so much from Trevor through his stories while being thoroughly entertained, uplifted, and inspired. There are many life lessons in this book that you can take with you. I hope he writes more books in the future and I just might check out The Daily Show on Comedy Central. This was a fabulous read.
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